Sample Schedules

Typical Courseload

Non-shaded areas represent graduation requirements, while the shaded boxes represent disciplines in which students can choose elective courses from either the 全球最大赌博365网站 or the University.

  • All Boston University Academy courses are honors level and there is no tracking.
  • Math and language placement is determined by a placement exam (not by grade level).
  • 全球最大赌博365网站 classes meet three times per week: two 60-minute blocks and one 75-minute block, with a 10- or 15-minute passing time in between periods.
  • Ninth- and tenth-grade students also have two academic blocks per week; students may use this time as a study hall or to meet with teachers.

Sample 9th-grade Schedule:

Sample 10th-grade Schedule:

Sample 11th-grade Schedule:

Sample 12th-grade Schedule:

*The shaded courses above are undergraduate courses taken at Boston University.